Bio identical Hormone treatment Fort Collins, CO - Optimal Hormone Solutions

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, hormone levels can become imbalanced, leading to undesirable symptoms. Replacing deficient hormones with bioidentical versions can help restore optimal levels, allowing patients to feel more youthful, energized and healthy.

Bioidentical hormones used for replacement therapy are custom-formulated in a compounding pharmacy to match the unique hormone profile of each individual. This personalized approach provides precision dosing so that patients receive just the right amount of each hormone their body needs.

Common Hormones Used in Replacement Therapy

Some of the key hormones commonly used in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy include:

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Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

When used appropriately under medical supervision, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can provide tremendous benefits including:

Essentially, optimized hormone levels translate to feeling happier, healthier, more energized and youthful!

When hormone levels decline with age, replacing them with bioidentical versions offers a safe, natural way to restore balance, vitality and quality of life.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is diagnostic testing to uncover specific hormone deficiencies or excesses unique to each patient.

Common lab tests include:

Blood Tests

Blood testing allows direct measurement of free and total levels of key hormones like estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and thyroid hormones (Free T3, Free T4, TSH).

Saliva and blood testing together provide the most complete picture of one's hormone status. Tracking levels over time determines appropriate dosage for hormone therapy.

Saliva Tests

Saliva testing reveals bioavailable levels of hormones like cortisol, progesterone, estradiol and testosterone to indicate cellular deficiency or excess. Saliva hormone tests show how hormones are actually being utilized in tissues, providing key data to guide precise hormone balancing.

Combining blood and saliva hormone tests allows our practitioners to determine specific doses of hormones needed for optimal health, vitality and disease prevention.

Additional Diagnostic Assessments

Along with laboratory testing, our clinic performs:

This clinical evaluation combined with testing results enables customized treatment planning for each patient’s unique needs and objectives.

Our comprehensive diagnostic process sets patients up for successful long-term hormone replacement therapy.

Feel happier and healthier. Try bioidentical hormone therapy!

Customizing Bioidentical HRT

Since each person's hormone needs differ, there is no universal dose or formula. Our clinic customizes treatment to match individual patient requirements based on:

Lab Testing Results

Diagnostic blood and saliva tests indicate which hormones are low, high or within desired ranges - the starting point for developing a tailored hormone balancing protocol. Follow-up testing monitors patient response and guides ongoing dosage adjustments.

Age and Life Stage

Ideally the goal is to restore hormones to levels associated with peak health and vitality in youth. However this looks different for a 40 year old than a 60 or 80 year old. Age is considered when developing optimal hormone dose ranges.


The types and severity of symptoms reveals which hormones to prioritize. For example, hot flashes and night sweats indicate low estrogen, while low libido points to low testosterone. We identify quick symptom fixes vs longer term balance goals.

Health Status

Underlying issues like gut problems, inflammation, infections, diseases or injuries can influence hormone needs and absorption of supplements. These issues are addressed alongside hormone optimization goals.

Lifestyle Factors

Good nutrition, exercise habits, sleep patterns and stress resilience enable the best response to therapy.

Our practitioners spend extensive time assessing all these factors to create truly personalized therapies for the needs of each unique patient.

We start low and go slow - gradually increasing doses while monitoring symptoms and follow up lab work to ensure safety and efficacy. Patience is needed, as it takes time to replenish depleted hormones to optimal levels.

Bioidentical Hormone Formulations

Unlike conventional synthetics made from artificial progestins and equine estrogens, bioidentical hormones have a chemical structure identical to that made in the human body.

The bioidentical hormones prescribed by our practitioners are sustainably sourced from yams and soy plants through a natural extraction process. They are then expertly crafted into personalized preparations meeting individual needs.

We provide hormone therapy in versatile formats:

Creams and Gels

Transdermal creams, gels or lotions allow dosage adjustments by varying the number of pumps. This delivery through the skin enables steady hormone absorption. Creative custom combinations address multiple needs in one cream.

Oral Capsules

Capsules taken by mouth offer adjustable dosing flexibility determined by the number taken. This format is convenient for those preferring pills over gels or creams. Capsules also work well for hormones poorly absorbed through skin like DHEA.

Sublingual Drops

Fast-acting hormone drops dissolve under the tongue for rapid absorption without passing through the GI tract. Drops allow easy dose changes by adjusting the number used. This method is especially useful for thyroid hormones.


Pellets implanted under the skin continually release consistent low doses of hormones over several months. While dose adjustments require a doctor visit, pellets offer a convenient hands-off long-term approach. Over time the dose or formulation may need updating.

Intramuscular Shots

Deep intramuscular injections like testosterone cypionate allow precise dosing and less frequent administration than gels. Because injections have more extreme peak/trough effects, small frequent doses prevent swings. Shots are not for those afraid of needles.

With all our prescription options, dosage can be continually optimized based on patient needs and follow up lab testing. Our experienced compounding team handles all preparations with care.

Optimal Hormone Solutions provides unparalleled expertise in creatively formulating and adjusting unique bioidentical hormone combinations for each patient.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to those produced by the body, yet studies show they provide no clear benefit over traditional hormone therapy in alleviating menopause symptoms. However, some women feel more comfortable using bioidenticals derived from plants over synthetics.

Lifestyle and Dietary Support

In addition to bioidentical hormones, we offer therapeutic lifestyle, dietary and supplemental recommendations customized to address each person’s health objectives. Key areas addressed include:

Nutrient Optimization

A whole food anti-inflammatory diet high in antioxidants supports hormone balance and reduces symptoms. Targeted nutritional supplements fill common deficiencies that impair hormone response.

Stress Modulation

Chronic stress elevates cortisol which can disruptoptimal hormone effects and inflammation pathways. Our relaxation, meditation and resilience training reduces stressfor better treatment results.

Improved Sleep Hygiene

Quality sleep normalizes circadian hormonal fluctuations foroptimal metabolic and neurologic function. We provide sleep optimization guidance.

Fitness & Movement

Regular exercise balances hormones, reduces body fat stores, builds strength to support joints, and stimulates mood enhancing neurotransmitters for optimal mind-body health. Our experts design personalized fitness plans complementing hormone therapy.

A comprehensive integrative approach addresses the lifestyle factors that influence hormone health for maximal treatment benefits.

Restore optimal hormone levels for a better life!

Optimal Hormone Solutions Advantage

What sets Optimal Hormone Solutions apart is our:

Concierge Model

Our boutique clinic offers white glove concierge service from initial consult through ongoing monitoring for ultimate patient convenience.

Leading Expertise

With decades of experience specifically focused in hormone balancing therapies, our practitioners offer exceptional diagnostics and clinical excellence. We continually integrate the latest medical advances.

Holistic Personalized Protocols

Our integrative solutions address the unique nutritional, lifestyle and stress factors influencing each individual’s hormone health for life changing, long lasting results.

Meticulous Follow Up

We closely track patient symptoms, progress and lab results to ensure doses remain optimized over time as needs change. This level of oversight prevents subpar results.

At Optimal Hormone Solutions, our unwavering commitment to patients as partners in the process provides exceptional care for thriving hormone health.


Aging inevitably brings hormone declines leaving us feeling subpar. Fortunately recognizing and properly addressing hormonal imbalances through replacement with bioidentical versions allows people to regain energy, strength and resiliency while preventing chronic diseases in the process.

However, given the complexities of hormone health, working with highly specialized experts is imperative to achieve optimal restoration. Through our cutting edge diagnostics, meticulous follow up and holistic personalized protocols, Optimal Hormone Solutions offers the pinnacle of bioidentical hormone replacement care for revitalized health.

Contact us today to see how expert balancing of your vital hormones can help you look and feel your best while preventing disease now and in the future. Our comprehensive solutions employ the latest medical findings for life enhancing benefits unmatched elsewhere.

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